
Friday, October 22, 2010

Full Moon Meditation 10/22/2010

Welcome to the Full Moon meditation for October, 2010.

Before we begin, let's take a moment to center, calming the body, mind and emotions.  So wiggle and scootch; send your body the signal that it is time to get quiet and go inward to connect with your inner wisdom keepers.

So take a deep breath, full but not forced... inhaling up from the Earth, through the soles of your feet, up your legs, your torso, neck, out the top of your head to the Sky... exhaling down through your body, out the soles of your feet...and relax.  Again, inhaling up through your belly, stomach, heart, throat, mouth, eyes, the top of your head...and exhale completely, let it all out,...and relax.  Inhaling deeply once more, filling every cell with loving life-force energy...exhaling, releasing...and relax.

Now following your own breath, at your own pace, take a few more breaths just to calm and settle.  Notice the environment around you, the sounds, the energy, what you are seeing if your eyes are open, what you are receiving if your eyes are closed.  Remain aware of your breath as we get ready to dive in...

Our focus for this meditation is the color Blue, Sky Blue.  This color represents the energy of  the voice, known as the throat chakra in Ayurvedic teachings.  The throat chakra is the center of Will and self-expression. 
Musicians, especially singers, writers and teachers find their strength in this realm.  It is where we speak our truth.  It is where we empower ourselves and speak up for ourselves. It is also the seat of our competitive nature and the energy of surrender.  Normally when we hear the word 'surrender' it brings up connotations that are not necessarily pleasant.  We think surrender means to have lost the fight, to have been conquered, or to give up control.  But if we look at the word itself and break it down into the three (Latin) parts from which we draw its meaning, sur-ren-der, we see that "sur" means over or back; "re" (ren) is again; and "der" comes from 'dar' which is to give.  We are giving back again, or surrendering, to... - call it our higher self, our divine connection, god/goddess/all-that-is, source -  however you identify it.  We are giving control of our lifepath back to our soul.

When we think of expressing our truth, the question we want to ask is, "Am I expressing the truth of my soul, of my expanded self, of my divine nature or am I expressing truth as my ego perceives it?"  Ego is the one whose job is to keep us safe.  It is our alarm system.  It rouses us with an adrenaline rush.  It is competitive, it wants to win.  It wants to control, to beat somebody, to be better than someone else.  It easily moves into the dark shadow of the Blue Ray, making us more powerful by making another less powerful.  Competition is not in and of itself a bad thing.  Our competitive nature is the drive to improve, to evolve,  and to expand our consciousness. In the role of the Teacher, we learn to be open to outcome without being attached to outcome.  We can call on our competitive nature if we are really aware of whether we are open to outcome or attached to outcome. 

So as we move into our meditation, let's embrace the blue ray to connect with true self-expression - expressing our essence, our divine nature.  Imagine, if you will, a beautiful blue light, and orb floating before you.  Take a moment to let it emerge  and take shape in your inner vision...  And as it is floating there, notice the details of this blue sphere.  Notice it beginning to pulsate... and expand.  As you see it expand, feel it flowing toward you.  Receive the energy of this beautiful ray and allow it to fill your throat and empower your voice.

As we go into our quiet space now, set your intention to open to the wisdom of the Blue Ray, to connect with it and bring its energy into your life.  

When you are ready to come out of the silence, gently bring your attention back to your surroundings, stretch, deep breath.  Make some notes about what you received from your own inner wisdom keeper so that you will remember. 

I hope you enjoyed this meditation and that you will join me next time for the New Moon on Nov. 5.


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