
Friday, October 8, 2010

Meditation: First New Moon of Autumn 2010

Put yourself in a comfortable position that will allow you to easily pay attention to your inner world for a bit.  Have your notebook and pencils ready for writing after this meditation, to anchor in the information you receive.  And let's begin.

Wiggle and scootch to signal your body that it's time to go inward.  Take a deep breath, full but not forced, and exhale and relax.  And again.  Inhaling fully, exhaling completely - let it all out - and relax.  And once more, inhale filling your whole being, exhale releasing all tension, and relax.  And now continue to breathe at your own pace, being aware of your place in the universe, while I introduce our focus for this meditation.

This is the first new moon of autumn, 2010.

Angeles Arrien teaches in her book The Four Fold Way, a synthesis of indigenous cultures' lore, that the energy of Autumn is the Way of the Healer, the direction South, the element earth;  we are to "pay attention to what has heart and meaning."

For many people, with the shorter days and the waning of the light, the psyche begins to prepare to go inward, to hibernate, to embrace the darkness of long nights, to become still, pay attention, and heal.
For some this is a time of putting everything in order, harvesting, preparing, getting ready to pay attention when we go into the unknown dark places of (as Depak Chopra calls it) "pure potentiality."
Others feel energized and envigorated during this season, as if Spring has sprung, the flower buds bursting, the trees in leaf .  Everything is emerging, fresh, new, full of hope and promise.

Take a moment to check in with yourself.  How are you feeling?  Are you going inward to embrace the stillness, the darkness, the healing?  or making preparations, freeing yourself to pay attention?  or are you bursting into bloom with new ideas and new projects?  Just notice how you feel...

With that noticing, as we move into our meditation, continue to be aware of your breath [inhale...exhale...and relax] and your environment [the sights or sounds around you].  As you hold this calm body and quiet, aware mind, open your heart to your own wisdom.  Ask the question, "What am I to pay attention to?" or "How am I to pay attention during the coming month?"

Wait in the stillness for the answer to come.  Stay in the meditation for as long as you like - a few minutes, an hour, whatever you choose. When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to your surroundings and write or draw in your notebook to remember the wisdom that is your innate knowingness.  Celebrate the New Moon.

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